Ileana from Belgium

« I’vejustspent the mostwonderfulmonth in the ThoracicSurgerydepartment of the Habib Bourguiba Hospital in Sfax.Whileworking on myresearchproject, learning how to use a new statistics software and how to write an article, l alsogot the chance to seesome of the unique cases that show up in the ThoracicSurgeryDepartment,aswell as the surgeriesperformed to fix theseproblems.
Duringthismonth, i had the opportunity
to meet the mostamazingincomings
from all over the world and the most
amazing Exchange Team all of which have become life-long friends, no matterwhat!
I would like to thankeverybodythat made this exchange possible, to thankyou for thisamazingexperience, for all the thingsi’velearned, for all the friendsi’vemade,for an unforgettablemonth!”