André from Portugal

«To do an exchange in Tunisiais to catch a plane to leaveyour country even if youcan’t catch up withyourheart rate. To do an exchange in Tunisiais to get out of the bubbleyou live in… no, let me rephrase it: to gathertoomany people insideyourbubbleuntilit pops. It isalso to be free to live and to be happy in the best circumstances one can begiven. You are able to dream, to fly, to swim, to dance till the morningcomes, to fillyourheartwith the purest of emotions and to holdittightwhen the time comes to saygoodbye. To do an exchange in Tunisiais to be part of somethingbiggerthanyourself – a culture, a community, a group of people whose fuel is the smiles on otherpeople’s faces. In the land of the sun, to do an exchange thereis to learnthatyourheart can beshared in multiple parts – one of themwillalwaysbelong to Tunisia, the otheroneswillstaywith the people youlived and lovedduring the best days of your life.»